Summoning Mr. Bronsleig

I found this story on a creepypasta forum a few weeks ago.

This is a game only for the bravest people This is a game my friend told me about that she learned from her brother. Do not play this game if you have allergies to dogs. If you don’t want what happened to her brother to happen to you, don’t play this game at all.

Go to your bathroom. Don’t turn on the light. Use your towel to dry out your sink really well. Try to use a sink that has been off for a long time, and one as low as possible. If you have a sink in your basement that’s the best, but you can use one upstairs if it’s your first time.

Close the bathroom door, but don’t lock it. Take your flashlight and shine it in down the sink. Take out the drain plug so your light can go as deep as it can. Blink your light three times on, and one time off, then then one time on, and three times off. Do it again, three on, one off, one on, three off.

If it worked you should feel air coming from the drain. If it’s warm air, it’s somebody else. Turn the light on and leave and don’t open the door again until morning. If you try it again and you get warm air, try a different sink next time.

When he’s close, the air should stop. Listen closely. He is going to tell you something you need to know. DO NOT TELL ANYONE what she tells you or it won’t come true. If you feel warm air somebody else is coming. Sometimes he is wrong, so try it again next time and see if he says the same thing. If you try it too many times he will try to trick you, so don’t do it more than once a week.

It reminded me of the old Bavarian legend of the Bronsweig, an ancient creature that lives deep underground, and was said to lure villagers down wells with it’s faint advice.
