Yesterday, a car hit me as I crossed the street on my bike.
I'm flying down the road on track to beat my previous best commute time as I approach an intersection. At this intersection I need to turn left from a small street on to a much larger one, so it can take a little while for the light to change. Instead of waiting in line for the light, I decide I'll cross my small street and ride the sidewalk on the inside of the turn. However, after I cross to the sidewalk, the left turn signal comes on and the line begins to move. I would prefer to ride on the right-hand sidewalk, so I decide to cross the large street at the intersection after all.
Again, I've got a record to beat, so I don't want to slow down any more than I have to. The cross traffic has a red light, and I have it all timed so that I'll cross the intersection just after the last left-turner is out of my way as I dart in to the street.
So that's when the car hits me.
There's a large building that blocks my view of the cross traffic until the last moment, and it was hiding a car turning right on red.
I slam my brakes, and come to a stop with my front wheel in his path. He slams on his brakes, and taps my front fork before stopping.
I don't think his car was even scratched, but it was pretty embarassing.